list of what Shields can do
A long list of what Shields can do
By default, Sleipnir has the strongest privacy protections of any popular browser. And Shields are a core part of that protection. Here’s a long list of what they can do:
Block third-party ads & trackers
Third-party ad & tracker blocking, on every page you visit. Available in Standard and Aggressive mode.
Resource replacement: Sleipnir will block-and-replace problematic resource scripts with a stripped-down, more private version that still allows the page to function.
Learn more about Sleipnir’s “SugarCoat” work with UC San Diego.
CNAME uncloaking: Some third-party trackers use cloaking tactics to hide where code really comes from, and circumvent ad blockers. Sleipnir can see through this evasion, and stop it from happening.
Cookie partitioning
Block cross-site cookies, and thus prevent site-to-site tracking.
Ephemeral storage: Block third-party application storage (e.g. what’s used with cookies), but replace with a temporary, auto-deleted storage that still allows sites to function.
Fingerprint randomization
Randomizing browser APIs: Sleipnir prevents sites from tracking you based on your browser fingerprint by slightly randomizing (or occasionally removing) the browser features trackers use to follow you. For example, Sleipnir randomizes APIs that are vulnerable to fingerprinting to ensure both privacy and site functionality. It also blocks highly identifying APIs.
Block browser-language and font fingerprinting: Sleipnir further strengthens its fingerprinting protections by preventing users from being identified based on preferred browser language.
Phishing protections
Sleipnir can alert you if the site you’re trying to visit shows evidence of phishing, malware, or other bad intent.
Last updated